Tuesday, February 17, 2015

por los frutos los conocereis {and by their fruits ye shall know them)

How was everyone this past Valentines week? He it is called El Dia de Amor y Amistad, the day of Love and Friendship. It was really funny, because we headed out to go teach, and our district leaders called us, saying that they needed to deliver a package. We headed to our house, thinking it was a huge stack of Books of Mormon or Pamphlets, (which we desperately need), but they both handed us Roses with a little not from Pres. and Hermana Douglas! It was the cutest thing I had ever seen, next to Rocio's daughter outside of the temple in a white rabbit outfit. 

Later on this week, we went around asking references from ward leaders and members, using an Atonement scripture and praying to receive names. We actually received 10 references, in comparison to all the other weeks when we usually only receive about 2 or 3! It really makes a difference when you can have a more personal connection with new investigators, through their families of friends. That is how we know that they really are chosen, and are going to progress. 

Hint to all other missionaries and wards: Do the same thing when looking for new people to teach, because it actually works, and you actually find people. You may now even know who needs to hear the gospel, but God always knows. If you pray and ask him he will tell you. It may not be the first time that you pray, or the second, but if you keep working on it, he will tell you. I know that to be true. And now I need to contact the missionaries in Texas so that they can start teaching my old friends that I never introduced! 

This week we also learned that as a mission, and disciples of Jesus Christ, we need to teach the Apostasy  a whole lot better. It is something that I never really paid attention to before my mission, but is so crucial. If everyone understands the trinity, the function of Christ's church, and why it had to be restored, they will not have to question why they need to be baptized. It will all make sense to them, and we will have a whole lot more converts firm in the church. 

And in other news, this month is flying by super fast! I hope everyone is enjoying their winter at home, because here summer is still going on.
I love everyone, and will write more next week! Sorry, my brain is a little bit disorganized in this letter. 

SHermana Addington
Jacob 4, Alma 5, And 2 Nephi 25:23
New mission address:
Misión Perú Lima Sur - Iglesia
Av. Jorge Chávez 1272
(Frente de Makro)
Santiago de Surco
Lima, Lima 33

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