Monday, April 13, 2015

Gen Conf, Peace Corps, Faith, Expensive Mall! April 13th

This is the communication between me and President Douglas every week. For all of you gringos,he is mostly talking about the need we have to be better and become more consecrated as missionaries. I have been trying to do that this week, putting to practice all I learned from Conference, which was AMAZING. We were able to receive inspired messages from a living prophet, apostles, and church leaders. As a little kid, I took that a little for granted, and didnt share with others. I also think I had a little fault of faith and confidence in my own testimony. But now I know that we have a duty as members, disciples of Christ, to share EVERDAY what we know, with as many people as we can find. 
Me and Hma. Nielsen were eating in Burrito Bar this week, (kinda like a Peruvian FreeBirds or Cafe Rio), and this American Peace corps group walks in. One of them, this 25 yr old chick from The Bronx, starts asking us who we are and what were doing here in Peru. And we start having a gospel conversation in full English, something I havent actually done in a year. She was really nice, but seemed like there was still something missiong in her life. She told me she never wanted to have kids, just continue travelling for the rest of her life with her friends. But I know that if she really does want something more, she"ll find it in the church. We passed her a Becauseof Him card and invited her to just see it and investigate a little bit. 
It was one of the most itersting and natural contacts I have ever had. Its different here, not just with the language but with the people, the culture as well. I have learned to approach people here in a way that usually wouldnt happen in the U.S. Peruvians really are very believing, and for that I am grateful to serve in this country. I am also greateful for the example every single one of you set everyday. Keep sticking up for your values, and dont be afraid to share your testimonies! You have it in you. Read Alma 9 and Mormon 9 today, its really interesting. 
Plus, I need to know Mom and Dad"s bishop"s name, their ward name, the stake, and name if the airport where I am going to be picked up! I think Thats all the information needed for the mission form. If you can get that to me as soon as possible, we can arrange sooner.  I love yall! Have a great week! 
Hermana Addington
P. S. Brittans baby is ADORABLE with a capital UH 

This week we have seen a few canges in our area, and in our teaching. We have been visiting more of our recent converts and rescues from the last 24 meses, and also helping more less actives attend church. We have also been meeting more with our ward mission leader and making plans for the temple dedication in Trujillo, speaking more with the ward leaders personally and not just in ward council. We have an amazing new investigator that has already attended seminary for 2 months! She"s 16, but really prepared, and once we meet her mother we will hopefully be able to teach her whole family. Also, Jesus fell through in his baptismal date for fault of time to have lessons, but we are going to chat with him this week to see his real intent. We are really working to leave a really good impression on this ward, helping real progress happen. I think it is going to come, maybe not in the time we hope, but it will come. 
I hope you have a great week with Sister Douglas!Misioneros de Lima Sur, necestimos ACCIÓN. Hermana Douglas y yo les amamos. Estamos tan agradecidos por pertencer a la Iglesia de Jesucristo, la única verdadera en la tierra. Nuestras acciones nos salvarán o nos condenarán. Sabemos que Dios es Dios, las normas son las normas, nuestro tiempo para ser misioneros es fijo, la Expiación es todo, Dios es perdonador, No hay otro camino, somos llamados a servir juntos, este es nuestro momento desde la fundación del mundo para rendir cuentas, no hay excusas aceptables, desunion en un compañerismo no es una excusa por no cumplir y es pecado, y que Él vive!!!!!!!!!!

April 6 "Do YOU Know the Dance?" and "Beach Bummin"

This week was amazing for 3 reasons 1) We got to go to the beach again 2) We got a surprise visit from our Very Own Bott and Hma, Villena and 3) CONFERENCE
The beach actually was pretty short. We only went there to take a few pictures and buy a popsicle. But we did get to relax a little and see the beauty of nature here in Lima. Plus, I found a dead crab and we collected seashells, so the more trinkets I find for free the better! Hma. Nielsen is obsessed with buying touristy things, but its fun toi see all the things people make here. I just have to be reallu prudent and not get loured away by these natives,. because sometimes they will hit on you and its really creepy. The next thing was a surprise visit from Hma. Bott and Villena. Since our house is a hostel for missionaries all over the south, we got to see them both coming from Ica for Concilio (I think it means council in English. I dont remember anymore.) But it was great. Bott tried to refill our water box but didnt know how to do it, and ended up spilling that precious stuff all over our kitchen. We just had to take a pic, like parents who just marvel over their kids accidents. She has not changed a bit, still loveable and humble as always. And Hma., Villena is always telling jokes and teaching us slang from Ecuador. Then of course, the pinnacle of all wonder, the 185th General Conference. Hma. Nielsen said, "Is it still the 185th? I feel like they said that 2 years ago!" Nonetheless, it really was the thing I had been waiting for. All my favorites were there, Eyring, Holland, Packer, along with a few speaking in duh, dededum...SPANISH! We arrived thinking to hear the whole translated version, but then they set aside a room specially for us gringos to hear in English, and I was forever grateful. Its just their voices, especially the prophet and Holland. 
One of my favorites was also by El Brent (insert lastname) who compared the gospel to a dance, and the Holy Ghost to the music. I loved thinking about how the spirit really does play a key role in everything we do as misisonaries, and how we learn for the rest of our lives. If we dont live worthy for the spirit everyday, we wont be able to carry out the plan God made for us. 
Also, 3 new temple are being built! In Haiti, Thailand, and the ivory Coast! It really is amazing to hear that news, seeing as we are also preparing here in Peru to see the temple in Trujillo get dedicated  in June! We wont be able to attend, but we will watch in stake centers all over the mission. 
God is rolling forth his work today, and I know he expects alot of us. I hope everyone could take a chance to reflect on what they learnedand how they are going to be better after this conference, because I know I have a million changes to make. But I am excited to do it, be better. 
I am also super excited for my sister Meg going to BYUI Idaho with me! Also Dan Dan the party man  gettingMARRIED! As well as mama and dad with their new jobs and callings, Amy with her DC city life and Abby with all her cool running competitions. Hma. Nielsen is a runner (and I am forcing myself to learn), and she is suiper impressed by you, Abbs. 
I just wanted to close saying I love everyone, and hope they all have an amazing and super productive week. And never stop learning! Alma 37, Jacob 4:4 and Romans 8 are some really good atonement and learning scriptures
Also, I need to get so info from yall for the last 6 month mark in the mission. (super sad!) 
I only have it in Spanish, but maybe Dad can translate, and then send the answers next week! Thanks a ton, Dad! You are the closest latino i got at home. 
I love you all! 

March 30th "Sister Salinas and ALFAJORES GALORE" (some Peruvian sandwich?)...

This week has been a great experience in culture shock. As you all know,( if you read all my emails faithfully), that I got switched pure Latina comps for a grings, Hma. Nielsen. This week, I experienced what it is to live Peruvian culture outside and American culture inside. I am lovin it. Sure its a little bit harder to speak Spanish outside afer we have been talking almost all day English inside, but we are both trying to force ourselves to be better. She already has 15 months, but I feel like we are almost on the same level as far as teaching and contacting are concerned. We also serve as the international house of sisters, (like IHOP for missionaries), since we live closest to the mission office. So this week, we fostered Hma. Salinas, a sister from the Huancayo mission returning home to Nazca. Bringing her to the bus stop was a disaster, just because of forgetfulness on my part, but she was able to figure everything out, and we ended up getting home with the amazing help of our friend Bishop Juan. I am going to have to write all of these stories in my journal so that we can read them in my elderly years. Ah, adventures in the mission.
We also had a better week as far a less actives and converts. A couple weeks ago, me and Hma. Ramirez contacted what we thought was a family. In the first lesson, we realized that this lady named Janet was a less active and single mother from Iquitos (the junglely part of Peru). She and her daughter moved over to Lima with the help of her friend Leo, and now she has goals with us to enter the temple in May. It really was a miracle that we found her. Another miracle is Jesus, our old pancionistas son, who is preparing for baptism in April. He seemed intimidating at first, all body builder like with a low voice. But after the first lesson we realized that he was just a little softy at heart, wanting to do better for his kids. There is also. Leonardo, our convert Rocio"s son, who seems to be super serious as well, although he is only 17. He began atheistand only reasoned with science (like Nacho"s friend), but now is realizing he is just a little confused in relation to God and different religions. And also we have Ana, our amazing convert preparing for the temple as well. 
That is just  litle taste of who we are teaching right now, me and Nielsen. We still have so many goals to find new investigators, but we have to just keep motivating the leaders to share more references. It really is somehting that keeps the missionaries busy, when they can teach the leaders'" nonmember families, in addition to just trying to find people in the street. I really want to leave this area in a better state than when I found it, and that is only possible through strenghtening the families here. 
Today me and Hma Nielsen read a story today in Alma 50, about the efforts Moroni made to protect his family from the Lamanites, and we can actually compare this to our everyday lives. 1
Y aconteció que Moroni no cesó de hacer preparativos para la guerra ni para defender a su pueblo de los lamanitas, porque al principio del año veinte del gobierno de los jueces, él hizo que sus ejércitos empezaran a levantar montones de tierra alrededor de todas las ciudades, por toda la tierra... 
2Y sobre estos montones de tierra hizo colocar vigas, sí, obras de maderos erigidas a la altura de un hombre, alrededor de las ciudades. 
3E hizo que sobre estas obras de maderos se construyeran estacadas por todos lados; y eran altas y fuertes. 
4E hizo que se erigieran torres más altas que estas estacadas, e hizo construir resguardos en estas torres, para que las piedras y las flechas de los lamanitas no los hirieran. 
5Y las dispusieron para lanzar piedras desde su cumbre, según su voluntad y fuerza, y matar a quien intentara aproximarse a las murallas de la ciudad. 
6Así fue como Moroni preparó fortificaciones alrededor de todas las ciudades en toda esa tierra, contra la llegada de sus enemigos. 
She made a drawing that compares the walls and mountiains to revelation, prophets, apostles, missionary work, service, scripture study, prayer. All of these things have to be done eveyday in order to defend against Satan. If anyhting is lacking, he gets in. 
The General Womens conference was amazing, and once again the leaders reforced the need to have strong families. One of the bast ways to do that is share to gospel, because your testimony is made in the bearing of it. 
So go out and share your testimonies that week! This Video :Because he Lives is an amazing incentive to teach people about  what easter really is. Do it, I challenge you! 
I hope everyone has a great week, adn keeps sharing what they know! Get ready for Gen Con cuz its gonna be the BOMB! (I really need to get more sleep.My humor skills are detiorating.)
Hermna Addington

March 24 email "Mi CHAMBA"

Thank you Sister Addington, continue to submit daily to the trials and lessons the Lord places in your path with faith and courage. Set goals and be consegrated to them through your faith and works. You will find daily power and joy. We love you!!
My amazing mission president constantly trying to draw good works out of me. 
This week we met a Seventy and his wife, Elder and Sister Waddell, and they gave us a super amazing seminar on everything mission stuff. They are Californian, but served missions in Spain and lived in Ecuador and Venezuela, so their accents are super interestingly funny. They gave a mountain of jokes like, "Our objective is to find eternal families! Elder Wadell said that you can"t contact singles, they don"t love God!" lol
Then we finished off this transfer with Stake conference in Chorillos. The night before Hma. Ramirez got her transfer call to Ayaucho, and the next day was spent taking a bajillion photos outside of the stake center with everyone. It really was a whirlwind of a time. We had a mountain of people trying to fit into a small chapel, (small for Lima), and all the missionaries stood for 2 hours, in the heat. The upside? Hma. Ramirez could say goodbye to everyone right there, and then headed off to Ayacucho at 7 at night. Meanwhile we saw 7 missionaries having their last interviews before going home. One assistant, "Es un velorio Hmas, puede oler los cuerpos muertos?" Its a funeral, can you smell all the dead bodies? That joke was the icing on the cake. But it really was interesting ot hear and see these missionaries in their last few full time hours. Some crying, some laughing, giving advice. It really is something that you can nevr do over again, the mission. I have the goal to make this last 6 months, 4 transfers, the most amazing ever. And I don"t just say that because I have an American companion now. At first when I heard Hma. Nielsen was coming from Ayacucho to be my companion, I kinda freaked out. I am not used to this type of culture, American! But after a day, I am a little more chill. That"s how Hma. Nielsen is, chill. She is from Nevada, has a HUGE family, (6 brothers and sisters), and does sports like for a living. She goes home in June, and is probably going o finish here in Chorillos. But I have a feeling we are going to have alot of last minute success together. I dunno, President really is inspired when he makes these transfers. You don"t realize how much your companion has helped you out until you actually have them as your companion anymore. Elder Wadell said, "We live , eat, sleep and breather to create eternal families. That is our job as people, children of our heavenly father. In the future you will pick your companion. In the mission, your companion is assigned to you. Sorry, that"s just how life works. Living with them is like the practice of living with your future spouse, just of a different gender." lol "Play nice until you can pick your future companion." 
I hope that everyone has a good week, is full of good spirits and good food, and keeps doing good works. 
I love you all, and just heard that Dan got ENGAGED! Felicitactiones Dan Man! I knew you could do it! 
With much love,  Peruvian sweat, and typing errors,
Hermana Addington
P.S. Amy sorry I will give you my I number in the next email. I need to go look it up at the house. I am still trying to figure out when I would start my semester, but living with Meg would be fun! 

"Dewpoint" email from March 16

 45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.46 The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever. D&C 121:45
The other week, our mission president"s wife Hermana Douglas gave a message about the way to have success. She stirred my science brain by talking about dewpoint. It sounds super boring at first, but hang with me. So you know how when you have a super cold glass of water and poutside its really hot, you start to see a lot of little droplets outside the glass. This is called dew point. You have to have a balance of the cold and hot temperatures to make that happen. Its equal to our work here in the mission field. Our faith has to be equal to our diligence and desires, becusase if not, we won"t have any baptisms, any reacues, and temple trips, any salvation in general.Alot of the time, we don"t see that dew, (or rocio as its called in Spanish), because our faith or desires aren"t strong enough see the results. Sometimes we also need tons of patience. This week Ana Huamani, a 4 month investigator, was baptized and confirmed. It was a moment in my mission where I really did feel like we received a little rocio from heaven. She has changed so much, strengthened her testimony for so long, and I know she is going to be firm in the gospel. 
As misisonaries, and children of God in general, we should always be striving for that rocio in everything that we do. Its not easy to attain, there is still so much to get done before we leave this life, but we have to trust that if we do everything possible in our power, God will make up the difference. 
This week Wilkins and her companion Hma. Giler came from Nazca to stay with us for a couple days. Well, really her companion had to get her wisdom teeth taken out, but we used it as a day for a painful slumber party! It was great to see her again, training a new sweet sister from Ecuador, and talking about all the changes in the past year. She also noted a bunch of changes in me. I think we are all constantly needing to change and make things better everyday, and although alot of the time maybe we don"t recognize or feel it, it happens. 
I am so happy for all the progress my family an friends are making in their work,studies, and travels. Keep reading your scriptures everyday, and sharing your testimonies with as many members and nonmers you can find! Talk with the missionaries, they will help you,. I promise. 
"Las cosas que no cambian permanecen iguales." Things that don"t change stay the same. 

14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?
 15 Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him whocreated you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?
 16 I say unto you, can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day: Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness upon the face of the earth? Alma 5:14-16
I love all of ya"ll and hope you have a good week!

Hermana Addington