Monday, June 29, 2015

Pater, Padre, Father (June 22)

Dear President, 
I didnt mean to send that last email without anything. I just feel so rushed in this email time. Anyway, this week I have learned so much, and my testimony has really been strengthened. This week me and Hma, Tuquerres really put the goal of finding 10 nuevos to the test. We began contacting more, asking for more references and names in every lesson, and chatting with our lider missional and new branch president about plans that we could set and follow to help in finding these 10 nuevos. At the end of planning yesterday, the total was 3. Although I was a little dissappointed that we didnt meet this goal, I really felt more motivated than anything to make myself better. To make this area better, and become better missionaries, it requires alot of faith and diligence. That is shown through doing all these things that I was probably no fully completing, like street contacting, like asking for names,many things. I feel like you set that goal with us to elevate our faith, and help us to really be better missionaries, and realize that God also has everything already included in His plan for us. So thank you, President. Other than that, the temple dedication was amazing, and I feel so priveleged to be in Peru in my mission at this time. God knows exactly where I need to be, and its here. 
I feel motivated to work even harder and apply the atonement in my life! 
Hermana Addington
That was the resume of what happened this week mission wise. The last part was my favorite. This Fathers Day,  the Trujillo temple was dedicated. It is a representation of the beauty, faith, and dillegence not just of all the people from Trujilli, but all the Peruvian saints, misisonaries, and helpers that made this amazing temple possible. Although we couldnt be there physically in the city with President Utchdorf, Elders Bednar, Wadell, Uceda, and countless others, we were able to view everything from our small but holy chapel. It was treated like a temple for a day. When we entered, there were hymns playing, videos of amazing temples, and I just felt the spirit hit me like a wall. I literally felt like I was inside a temple.
As we watched President Utchdorf seal in the cornerstone, he talked about the significance of fathers day. I couldnt think of any better way the celebrate what our Heavenly Father would want on His day. I thought about my father Phiklip Addington, and all the sacrifices he made throughout my life so that I can be strong in teh gospel, and the constant guidance of my mother. I thought about my companions parents who had just been baptized , and what they must be feeling for their daughter- pride, love, mostly love.
I am so grateful, Dad for everything you have given me. Never stop listening to the counsel of your Heavenly Father, he will always tell you what to do!
Happy Fathers day to Fathers everywhere and in heaven. May the example Heavenly Father sent us always be out guiding light. Ether 12:33 is amazing, read it because I dont have time to type it.
One of life's great questions is “Who am I?” A beloved Primary song helps even little children answer this question. We sing, “I am a child of God, and he has sent me here.” The knowledge that we are children of God provides strength, comfort, and hope.
Scholars have long acknowledged that the view of God held by the earliest Christians changed dramatically over the course of centuries. Early Christian views of God were more personal, more anthropomorphic, and less abstract than those that emerged later during Christianity’s creedal stage. The key ideological shift that began in the second century, after the loss of apostolic authority, resulted from a conceptual merger of Christian doctrine with Greek philosophy.
Latter-day Saints believe the melding of early Christian theology with Greek philosophy was a grave error. Chief among the doctrines lost in this process was the nature of the Godhead. Latter-day Saints hold that God the Father is an embodied being with the attributes ascribed by the earliest Christians. That belief is consistent with the early Christian views of God, yet it differs from the later creeds.
We are all literally children of God, spiritually begotten in the premortal life. As His children, we can be assured that we have divine, eternal potential and that He will help us in our sincere efforts to reach that potential.
Hermana Addington

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