Sunday, June 1, 2014


This whole week Hma. Rivera and I have been practicing different accents. She"s had like 5 different gringas both as trainers and co companeras, and is the funniest when it comes to mimiking them with love. The sound is kinda like when you hear an older Texan lady trying to order a meal in at Rosas. Pretty great. And this week I had an intercambio with Hma. Saenz and Hma. Chavez in Pisco, the land of eternal hills! That city is great because you can hike and actually look past all the trash to see the ocean off in the distance, but I was sweating so hard afterwards I had the feeling to take a siesta. I am more of a plain lover myself. I was built for comfort and not for speed. But I still loved being with those girls. Intercambios during your mission are like the equivalent of havin a sleepover. And you really get top meet different people and actually realize you were not as bad at teaching as you thought. Sometimes being with Her. Rivera all day is hard because I hold myself up to her standard. She is a latina in her last few weeks and is really pushin it to have more lessons, more baptisms, more everything. And then I think, I have to roll my r"s like her, or I have to smile every moment of the day, or I have tp understand all those gospel questions. But then I see these other Hermana who are doing just fine with a different way of teaching, and still forget some phrases, even though they already knew the language a little before. Or they see a little boy and forget they cannot greet him with a kiss the way they do with all the other Hermanas. They are making mistakes like me and are laughing they whole time. If I have anything to learn from them. its that I can actually do this funky thing called a mission because I am meant to be here. Much of the time I think, "This would be so much easier in English," or "I could actually be healthier if I were in a place that had  more beans and less rice." (Mama ref.) But for some reason, God wants me here in Chincha speaking a language I did not know before about people"s flippin salvation. That is pretty crazy if you think about it. If I have any advice to give to missionaries serving, preemies (you know who you are), or any person that is about to do something really hard, its this: You are meant to be where you are, doing what you are doing, speaking whatever language you are speaking, because God has trust in you. The most powerful and handome being that ever was has trust in you. That is why you are here. 
I wish I had more time to write to everybody, but I want you all to know how much I love you and care about you. And I know you can do anything. 
PS. Mama and Dad I am gonna send you a Mama"s and Papa"s Day letter next week. And finally some pics too;) 
Her. Hanana Banana Addington

This is Luana Sonalie, the sweetest and cutest lil Peruvian babies ever. Their Dad is Obispo Cordova. 

This is a photo of us at a multizone conference in Ica, the one with Elder Grow. I love it because my hair kinda looks half normal in this one. Plus I"m matching Hma. Douglas, which is my ultimate goal since shes is a total BABE. Like the rest of ya"ll, of course. 

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