We also had a better week as far a less actives and converts. A couple weeks ago, me and Hma. Ramirez contacted what we thought was a family. In the first lesson, we realized that this lady named Janet was a less active and single mother from Iquitos (the junglely part of Peru). She and her daughter moved over to Lima with the help of her friend Leo, and now she has goals with us to enter the temple in May. It really was a miracle that we found her. Another miracle is Jesus, our old pancionistas son, who is preparing for baptism in April. He seemed intimidating at first, all body builder like with a low voice. But after the first lesson we realized that he was just a little softy at heart, wanting to do better for his kids. There is also. Leonardo, our convert Rocio"s son, who seems to be super serious as well, although he is only 17. He began atheistand only reasoned with science (like Nacho"s friend), but now is realizing he is just a little confused in relation to God and different religions. And also we have Ana, our amazing convert preparing for the temple as well.
That is just litle taste of who we are teaching right now, me and Nielsen. We still have so many goals to find new investigators, but we have to just keep motivating the leaders to share more references. It really is somehting that keeps the missionaries busy, when they can teach the leaders'" nonmember families, in addition to just trying to find people in the street. I really want to leave this area in a better state than when I found it, and that is only possible through strenghtening the families here.
Today me and Hma Nielsen read a story today in Alma 50, about the efforts Moroni made to protect his family from the Lamanites, and we can actually compare this to our everyday lives. 1
Y aconteció que Moroni no cesó de hacer preparativos para la guerra ni para defender a su pueblo de los lamanitas, porque al principio del año veinte del gobierno de los jueces, él hizo que sus ejércitos empezaran a levantar montones de tierra alrededor de todas las ciudades, por toda la tierra...
2Y sobre estos montones de tierra hizo colocar vigas, sí, obras de maderos erigidas a la altura de un hombre, alrededor de las ciudades.
3E hizo que sobre estas obras de maderos se construyeran estacadas por todos lados; y eran altas y fuertes.
4E hizo que se erigieran torres más altas que estas estacadas, e hizo construir resguardos en estas torres, para que las piedras y las flechas de los lamanitas no los hirieran.
5Y las dispusieron para lanzar piedras desde su cumbre, según su voluntad y fuerza, y matar a quien intentara aproximarse a las murallas de la ciudad.
6Así fue como Moroni preparó fortificaciones alrededor de todas las ciudades en toda esa tierra, contra la llegada de sus enemigos.
She made a drawing that compares the walls and mountiains to revelation, prophets, apostles, missionary work, service, scripture study, prayer. All of these things have to be done eveyday in order to defend against Satan. If anyhting is lacking, he gets in. The General Womens conference was amazing, and once again the leaders reforced the need to have strong families. One of the bast ways to do that is share to gospel, because your testimony is made in the bearing of it.
So go out and share your testimonies that week! This Video :Because he Lives is an amazing incentive to teach people about what easter really is. Do it, I challenge you!
I hope everyone has a great week, adn keeps sharing what they know! Get ready for Gen Con cuz its gonna be the BOMB! (I really need to get more sleep.My humor skills are detiorating.)
Hermna Addington
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